
Minutes of the meeting held on 3 October, 2019.

The meeting was opened at 1850 with 14(2) members present. All officers were present. There were no applications for membership. The minutes of the last meeting were read with two (02) corrections reported. The first was the amount of monies for the food donation should have been rounded up to $400.00 vice $360.00. The second was the spelling of Reggie LeClair’s name. Reggie LeClair made motion to accent minutes as corrected, seconded by Mark Lindsley. Motion carried. There were no reimbursements. Commandant Dumont reported that Charlie Frye was having problems with his legs and requested the chaplain to send him a get-well card. Mark Lindsley reported he inspected the M-1 rifles and they were in good condition. There was no old business. Under new business, 2020 Fairs were discussed and a new yearly expenditure of $2000.00 was made by Dave Winters and seconded by Reggie LeClair and approved. Any changes to the current By-Laws need to be made and voted on by the November meeting. New officer nominations included: Cody Dumont, Commandant; Dave Winters, Senior Vice Commandant; Mark Lindsley, Junior Vice Commandant; and Reggie LeClair as Staff Judge Advocate. Reappointed will be Bryan Westover, chaplain; Bill Kiernan, Sgt-at-Arms; and Mike Harnish, Adjutant/Paymaster. Commandant Dumont had a request by Department concerning providing personnel to act as Color Guard/Cake Escorts for the MEU’s Birthday Ball on 11 November 2019. It was decided that we would reply that we could not provide personnel. Dave Winters discussed his plans to conduct a series of events at various locales in connection with our Marines Fighting Hunger program and to possibly include recruiting drives in connection with these events. Bryan Westover added work with local Food Pantries, and mention was made of the Soup Kitchen in Penacook and other locales. Dave Winters made the motion to spend $500.00 to pay for flyers, cards and lapel pins. Motion seconded by Reggie LeClair and approved. On 10 November will be the annual Flag Raising at the New Hampshire State House in Concord. The Department installation of officers will follow the ceremonies at The Post restaurant across the street. Under Good of the League, Emily Roy presented Bob Selig with a complete set of large medals for his Dress Blues uniform. Commandant Dumont discussed having dinners and/or breakfast meals within our area and using the Robo call list to invite all members and interested personnel to these events. Closing ceremonies were conducted as the Sgt-at-Arms retired the colors and the chaplain read the closing prayer. The meeting closed at 1955. Next month’s meeting will be on 7 November 2019. Emily Roy won the 50/50 raffle and collected $23.00. Next month’s meal is to be provided by Bill Kiernan with Bryan Westover providing the cake to be used for the cake cutting ceremony.