Minutes of May 3, 2018 Meeting

Opening Ceremony: Sgt/Arms Bill Kiernan opened the meeting at 1850 and opening prayer was given by Chaplain Mike Harnish.  15 Detachment Members were present.

Roll Call of Officers: Sr Vice Cmdt Standafer was absent.  All other officers were present.

Applications for Membership: None.

Minutes from Previous Meeting – 4/5/18 Minutes: Minutes were distributed and reviewed by the membership.  Motion made to accept the minutes as presented by Kiernan, seconded by Bob Arata; there was no discussion; motion passed unanimously. 

Correspondence:  Adj Westover briefed the various emails on events received from the Dept Cmdt and others.

Paymaster Report: Report was distributed and reviewed.  Adj/Paymaster Westover briefed the report.  Motion made to accept the report as presented by Judge Adv Reggie LaClair, duly seconded by Liz Shaw.  There was no discussion; motion passed.  Thanks was given to Jr Vice Mark Lindsley for all the time he put into raising money through the AR-15 raffle.

The following reimbursement requests were discussed:

-Cmdt Cody Dumont to be reimbursed for the Quad State Convention fee and room costs.  He will bring the receipts next meeting.

Sick and In Distress: Liz Shaw is working with a woman Marine, who has brain cancer, to get her assistance, but can’t find her DD 214.  Liz was given suggestions from the membership.

Report of Officers

– Quartermaster report: Bill Kiernan briefed that Dave Winters offered the use of his waterproof shed.  A tentative date of May 26th has been set to Detachments items brought to the Old Town Hall for inventory and storage.

– Quad State Convention & New England Conference: Westover briefed the conference information and the business that was conducted.

Report of Committees

Activity Committee:   Pending Activities:

  • Monthly Breakfast Social: Starting in May, Members and their friends and families are invited to meet for breakfast at the Appleseed restaurant in Bradford on the third Sunday of every month at 10:00 AM. This will be purely a social event to get to know each other more and build camaraderie. Next breakfast will be Sunday, May 20th.
  • Recruiting Dinner at locations outside Concord area: Members that live outside Concord are to look for restaurants and report back to the Cmdt with info.

Upcoming Events:

– May 5 (Sat @ 12:00), WWII Marine Funeral at Miller Cemetery, Temple, NH – Cmdt Dumont and Bob Selig will attend.

-May 12, Sat, 8 AM – Set out flags at Concord’ Blossom Hill Cemetery.

– May 18 & 19 (Fri & Sat), Kiwanis Spring Fair – Members volunteered for time slots. Cmdt briefed the money raised and the names gathered at last year’s Fair.

– May 19 (Sat) Eagle Scout Award Presentation in Pittsfield – No volunteers to present it.

– May 19, Sat, 9 AM – Set out flags at Bow Cemeteries: Westover will attend, others welcome.

– May 20 (Sun) – Spring Fling – social event put on by Granite State Det: Open to all.

-May – Replace the USMC and American Flags at the two monuments in Concord (Across street from Abbot-Downing School on South St, and across the street from the VFW on Court St): Chuck Houston volunteered to take action.

-May 28, Mon, 8:30 AM Concord Memorial Day Parade (@ Storrs St) then Ceremony at the State House. Det to provide float in parade, and possibly a color guard.

-May 28, Mon, 3:30 PM –Bow Memorial Day Ceremony: Rifle Detail, Info table: Det will provide a Rifle Detail of 3 to 5 members.

-May 30, Wed, 11 AM – Memorial Day Ceremony at Boscawen Veterans’ Cemetery.  MCL is not in charge this year, but are welcome to attend.

–June or August – Poolee Picnic:  A date is still to be determined.

-June 21-23 (Thurs – Sat) – Concord Days / Dunk Tank (Main St, Concord).  Last year we raised ~$1,200, mostly from the dunk tank.  USMC recruiters may join us at the tent and possibly in the dunk tank as well.

-June 24 (Sun) – Department of NH Meeting (1100) & Growl (1400) @ Concord American Legion.

-June 30 (Sat) – Bradford Independence Day Parade (float).

-July 4, Wed, Andover Parade.

-July 14, Sat, Newbury Old Home Day (parade).

-July 14, Sat, Pittsfield Old Home Day (parade and booth).

– Aug 2 (Thurs) Hold Det Meeting at the Veterans Home in Tilton – Cmdt briefed that there will be a car show and proposed a cookout to raise money for the Veterans Home.  He will also invite the Lakes Region Detachment.  This will be held in lieu of the August meeting.

-August 11, Sat – Loudon Old Home Day (parade & booth).

-August 18, Sat – Dunbarton Old Home Day

-Sep 8 (Sat) 9 AM-5 PM & Sep 9 (Sun) 9 AM-2 PM, Concord Gun Show @ Everett Arena

-September 27, 28, 29, 30 (Thurs – Sun) – Deerfield Fair


AR-15A2 Fundraiser Committee – Status Report given by Lindsley: Around 170 tickets left; around $1,700 profit so far.


Unfinished Business

-Detachment Shirts: Cmdt offered to order a shirt for De Corse (small) and Houston (XXL), plus others for sale.  Motion made by Kiernan to purchase shirts (2 Med, 2 Large, 2 XL), duly seconded by Arata.  There was no discussion; motion passed unanimously.

-Ride Sharing Offer: Adj Westover will notify the membership prior to all future meetings that rides may be available for those that need them.

-Trailer / Float preparation – Status Report: Westover will clean up the trailer and transport it to Cmdt Dumont’s house to prepare it for upcoming events.

New Business: Marines Fighting Hunger food drive.  Cmdt briefed his idea to collect food at different stores to provide food to various food banks and soup kitchens.  There was some support for this endeavor, so the Cmdt asked members to provide suggestions for locations.

Good of the League

-Soda Fund: At the request of Westover, Chuck Houston agreed to take over purchasing the soft drinks for upcoming meetings.

-Liz Shaw thanked the Det for the flowers and those that attended her Mother’s wake.

-Next Month’s Meeting & Meal – 6/7/18: LaClair offered to bring the meal and Kiernan will provide dessert.  Thanks was given to Bill Kiernan for his outstanding chili and to Emily Roy for the amazing bread pudding.

Closing Ceremony conducted; next meeting June 7, 2018.  The meeting closed at 1945.


PDD Bryan Westover


(Adjutant’s note: Thank you to Lindsley for being the Acting Sr Vice and the anonymous donor for the $100 donation to the Poolee Fund.)