Minutes of January 11, 2018 Meeting

  • Opening Ceremony: Sgt/Arms Bill Kiernan opened the meeting at 1845 and opening prayer was given by Chaplain Mike Harnish. 11 Detachment Members and one prospective member were present.
  • Roll Call of Officers: Sr Vice Cmdt Michael Standafer was absent. All other officers were present.
  • Applications for Membership: Harnish nominated David Winters as a Member. After discussion and a unanimous vote by show of hands, he was accepted as a Member.  Adjutant Westover administered the oath of membership.
  • Minutes from Previous Meeting – 12/7/17 Minutes: Minutes were distributed and reviewed by the membership. Motion made to accept the minutes as presented by Bob Selig, duly seconded by Judge Advocate Reggie LaClair; there was no discussion; motion passed unanimously. 
  • Correspondence:
    1. Dept of NH Cmdt E-mails: 1) Dept of NH Quarterly Meeting agenda for Jan 14th. 2) Proposed change to Dept Admin Procedure on Marine of the Year Award – Proposed that Members cannot nominate themselves. 3) Proposed change to Dept Admin Procedure on Dues – Change the anniversary date to August 30th.
    2. Donation received. Jack Hachez’s wife gave a $100 donation.  Adj Westover wrote her a thank you note and offered the Detachment’s assistance should she ever need any.
    3. Fund raising request from the MCL Auxiliary was read. Info available for any Member that may wish to purchase a raffle ticket.
    4. The rental fee to the Town of Bow is due for the Old Town Hall for 2018. Paymaster Westover will submit the $10 fee.
  • Paymaster Report: Report was distributed and reviewed. Adj/Paymaster Westover briefed the report.  Motion made to accept the report as presented by LaClair, duly seconded by Selig.  There was no discussion; motion passed.
  • Sick and In Distress: Westover gave a report on Ray De Corse. He’s not walking very well sometimes gets dizzy, fortunately, he’s doing very well mentally.
  • Report of Officers: None.
  • Report of Committees
    1. Activity Committee
      1. Scheduled and Pending Events: The below items were discussed:
        • Jan 13 (Sat) 2:00 PM: Poolee event – we are supplying lunch for around 60 people. Winters offered to help and bring a grill. Cmdt Dumont and perhaps a couple of others to help. There’s $195 set aside for Poolee functions, so no vote is necessary to expend the funds.
        • Jan 28 (Sun) ~10:00 AM: breakfast at the Appleseed restaurant. $9.50 per person for the buffet.
      2. Other Events and Activities
        • Recruiting Dinner at locations outside Concord area. Not discussed.
        • Attend future Poolee Meetings, Thursdays at 5:00 PM, Marine Recruiting Office, Loudon Rd, Concord – Invitation is always open to us to attend.
      3. AR-15A2 Fundraiser Committee – Status Report –Lindsey reported that ticket sales are slow, $20 collected for ticket sales and Cmdt Dumont returned the $65 check that was issued to him for Concord Parade float decorations in exchange for raffle tickets. There was a brief discussion as why it’s too late to get permission and attend the Lebanon Gun Show.
  • Unfinished Business
    1. Detachment Shirts (Undelivered shirts): Ray De Corse’s shirt is final one to be delivered and paid for.
    2. Registration of trailer – Status Report: Westover will work with the Cmdt to get the trailer registered.
    3. Toys for Tots Reports: Selig reported that 180 toys were collected in Bradford.  Westover reported 899 collected in Bow.
    4. Membership Roster: Cmdt and Adjutant to work on complete and current roster.
    5. Detachment Members Annual Dues Reminders: Cmdt and Adjutant to work on procedure to collect dues from past due Members.
    6. Cmdt’s reimbursement for officer EGA given at “Jack” Hachez’s funeral: Tabled.
    7. Quartermaster report of awards, etc. on hand by the Adjutant. Westover to provide a report at next meeting.
    8. Annual Audit of Paymaster’s records. Prior to tonight’s meeting, Jr Vice Cmdt Mark Lindsley and Judge Advocate LaClair conducted the audit and reported that all appeared to be accurate.
  • New Business
    1. Installation of Detachment Officers: Sr Vice Cmdt Michael Standafer still to be installed.
    2. Membership / Recruiting: Breakfast in Bradford – Cmdt will provide Selig with some fliers to post at the restaurant and around town.
  • Good of the League
    1. Awards: There’s one award to be presented, but that member is not in attendance.
    2. Next Month’s Meeting & Meal-2/1/18: Cmdt stated that he’s not available 2/1/18 – Membership decided to still be hold the meeting that date. Mark Lindsley will bring the meal and David Winters offered to bring dessert.
  • Announcements
    1. Jan 14th – Department of NH Meeting (1100) & Growl (1400) @ American Legion, Concord: Members are welcomed and encouraged to attend.
    2. 2018 Quad State Convention in Burlington, VT, April 20th-22nd, 2018

-Members thanked the Cmdt for getting the meeting done early.

  • Closing Ceremony conducted; next meeting February 1, 2018. The meeting closed at 1930.


PDD Bryan Westover


(Adjutant’s note: Thank you to Lindsley for filling in for the Sr Vice Cmdt.  50/50 Det share was $13.)